Tuesday, May 13, 2008

A Challenge

So Denise just challenged me to read the Conference Edition of the Ensign from Cover to Cover. I am taking this challenge on. I really do feel as if my spiritual life is in balance then the rest of my life will fall into place. Food wont be so overwhelming, my desire and finding time to exercise will increase. I know I will be more patient with my husband and children. And don't we all need more patience?
This is something that I have NEVER done!!! Sure I've read my favorite talks maybe once. But never have I read it cover to cover. I am actually really excited about the things I am going to learn from each talk. I am ready. I have my own copy and I am planning on highlighting the heck out of it.
For all of you who have found this blog, and enjoy it. I challenge you to take on Denise's challenge to me. Read the Ensign from cover to cover. See how it effects your life.

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