Monday, July 16, 2012

1/2 Marathon Update

It's been almost a month since I started training for this 1/2 marathon.  I've been consistently running, running slow.  I keep trying to get over the time it takes me to run the distance.  I keep telling myself that I'm not out to beat a certain time or win the race.  What I am trying to do is get into a healthy lifestyle and routine.

This past Saturday I went out for a long run.  Which almost didn't happen due to my stinking basement flooding in 2.5 rooms.  What a mess.  In my past life I would have let such a catastrophe get the best of me.  As I lay in bed contemplating my situation, I made a decision.  I would no longer let life get in the way of my success.  Shit happens all the time(pardon my french) and I can't keep allowing it to get my way.  At first I thought I would shorten my run.  But I had already mapped out my route and as I began my ran I refused to expect anything less from myself.  I also threw out the heart rate training and ran like I would in the race, which was run 3 minutes and walk 1 minute.  I went for an amazing 8 miles!!  People, you have no idea what an amazing accomplishment this is for me, and in just 4 weeks.  Of course I am embarrassed by how long it took me, but , like I mentioned before, I'm trying not to let that get in my way either.  My friend Sabrina keeps telling me it doesn't matter cuz I'm lapping everyone that sitting on the couch.  So true.  I'm still astonished, 8 miles.

Despite my training I have yet to lose one ounce of weight.  It's not really about the weight, but losing a few lbs would be a nice benefit.  I think if I could shed some lbs my running would probably get  easier and my pace a bit faster.  But I'll take what I can get right now.

The week of the 4th was an eye opener for me.  I allowed myself to eat sugar without restriction.  The result?  A sick sick sick and weak body.  I also felt worthless and disgusted.  So back to the Green Smoothies I went.  This past week I began every single day with a green smoothy.  It was AMAZING the difference in the two weeks.  For some reason, when I started my day with a green smoothy my sugar craving was pretty much zilch.  Friday I allowed myself to have a cake donut and a tiny bowel of cereal for breakfast.  HugE, hUGe, mistake.  The rest of the day I craved sugar.  I couldn't get enough of it to feed the crave.  It was astonishing.  My solution?  Drink Green Smoothies every morning for the rest of my life.  Is this a sustainable habit?  For me, you bet.  If it will help me take control of sugar cravings, addictive and compulsive behavior, it's what I am going to do.  I've also reached a point where I no longer need to add agave.  Just pure, raw fruits and veggies.

Another benefit from the green smoothies is I feel so much better inside.  Really, I do.  I am grateful that I discovered green smoothies and the power they have in my life.  I am also grateful for the challenge to run a 1/2 marathon.  I hope it continues to change my life!!

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