Monday, October 26, 2009

Gym Rats

Hello again, to all two of my readers. Yes, you Sally and you Liz. I'm back. And in more way then one. This morning I actually made it to the gym again since getting preggers with Grace. I stopped going to the gym when I started getting really sick, okay that's a lie. I stopped as soon as I found out I was pregnant. At that point, I was done with the gym. My father in law got me another pass for Christmas. There was some fear associated with the pass, not sure what it was. Yes, I do actually. It's commitment. Once I go to the gym again I'm committed to myself to keep fighting this fight of mine. Am I completely ready to jump back on the wagon again? No. But I am ready to keep my runners body, if that's what you want to call it. I have no runners body, but I do enjoy running. I never thought I'd miss running, but I do. That fact is the driving force behind the gym pass. I don't want to start from scratch again come spring. I want to be better, be faster, and let's face it, just plain improve. But I was scared of the gym. I wasn't surprised to see a few familiar faces when I walked in. People that were there when I was consistently going 2 years ago. But just a handful. I think we call these people gym rats. Did they look any different? Not really. Some were a little musclier, maybe a littel thinner. But kudos to them. They are living the life that I am striving for. Having body and health a priority. I don't want to become a gym rat. I just want to keep motivated to keep my body moving and improve upon my level of fitness and healthiness.

I realized over the last 3 weeks that I'm not done. I'm not done losing weight. I just needed to take a break. I'm not going to be as strict with myself. But I am going to count calories. That is a must for me. It will keep me on track and keep me focused. But don't be surprised if you see "unauthorized" foods. I'm still going to live my life, just withing in reason.

2 slices turkey bacon (140)
1 small slice of apple bread (okay it's was cake. but who wants to admit to eating "cake" for breakfast? Not me!!!)(120)

1 corn quesadilla(100)
3/4 pear(45)
1/2 piece of apple cake(60)
diet coke(gotta have my diet coke!!)

1 banana(60)
1 tablespoon fruit dip(I had to make sure it was good for tomorrow)(90)

3/4 cup beef enchillada casserole(300)
1/4 cup green beans (10)
1/4 cup applesauce(45)

fhe snack:
1/4 caramel popcorn ball (90)

total calories: 1060

exercise: 30 minutes on treadmill
calories burned: 365


Sal-my-gal said...

Good for you! I've been thinking about you lately. The gym is always intimidating at first. I'd be nervous to go back. I haven't been since I found out I was pregnant with the twins.

By the way, I think breakfast is the perfect time to eat cake (or pie, or brownies, cookies...) it gives you the whole day to burn off those calories : )

Jessica said...

I wish we could go to the gym together! I am glad you are documenting your food again. I need to do the same. You are awesome.

Randi said...

I follow, too!! Welcome back!