Friday, October 30, 2009

It's more then just weight loss

I've been thinking a lot about the things that I choose to put into my mouth and it effects me and will effect me in the future. Right now, those effects are stronger then weight loss. Over time the wrong foods that I put into my mouth will cause gradual weight gain for the rest of my life, if I'm not careful. Its SO important that I get a handle on my diet NOW. And not just to lose weight, but to stay as healthy as an ox when I'm 80!!! I wont be able to eat mini candy bars every day for the rest of my life and expect to function properly.

It's just another element to the Fight, isn't it? I'm fighting for my older self. I'm fighting for the mother of Teenagers, to keep up with them, to win my battles with them. I'm fighting for the Grandmother that I will someday be. I want to have the energy and strength to care for those wee ones, to give my daughters and daughters-n-law a break that I know they will need.

Is that strange that I'm thinking about that? I've never been one to look to far into the future because of fear. But I have to. I have to work hard now to help me be the person I want to be n the future. By doing this the future becomes less scary and more exciting.

bacon and eggs(210)
1/4 cup granola(80)


sticky chicken salad(550)

1/2 serving of yogurt(45)
1/4 cup of granola(60)

3 oz turkey(90)
1/2 cup butternut squash soup(60)
1/4 cup applesauce(30)

nibbled on caramel corn(darn that special someone that booed my house. i guess they never got the memo I was trying to be good and am not strong enough to resist temptation) (200)

total calories :1325

exercise: ran/walked for 40 minutes
calories burned: 350

exercise: lifting weights 55 minutes
calories burned: 400

1 comment:

Sal-my-gal said...

I'm cursing Halloween myself! We got Oreos and Pumpkin Cookies. Who do you think is binging on them? Me. That's right. ME!

I think about the future me often. I'm afraid of diabetes. My 23 year old sister already has it. I'm more afraid of being so out of shape and having so many aches and pains that I spend my retirement years on the couch watching re-runs of some show that brings me nostolgia. Bleh. Not for me!