Sunday, October 31, 2010

Being Truely Grateful

Yesterday I called M so she could get her brain wrapped around the idea of me coming again every Tuesday and Thursday morning.  I've missed getting beat up and the change that comes only through weight training.  I talked with M  for a good hour, or more.  I had a huge a-ha moment while talking with her.

Lately I've been focused on being more grateful.  I realized that I have never thanked my Heavenly Father for the body that he has given.  Cuz I've never been grateful for it.  Or when I was grateful for my body I never expressed it.  I thought I had been thankful. As the sentenced tried to make it's way out of my mouth it came to a scretching halt.  No, I have not once, not ever never said I'm thank you for my body. 

Besides my extra weight, what do I have to complain about?  I could hike up a mountain if I wanted to.  It would be a bit difficult, but I could do it.  I can go on a walk, a run.  Go for a swim a bike ride.  I have the ability to care for my children, cook dinner, carry my laundry up and down the stairs, pull weeds from the garden, mow my lawn, stretch my every aching body. 

I truely believe that if we have more gratitude in our lives we become a happier, more loving people.  Maybe this is true of myself.  If I am more grateful and show that gratitude for my body, is it possible for me to start treating myself with love and respect and become happier?  That is my hope, my prayer.  Gratitude for my body is something I am going to start expressing to my Heavenly Father.  This is the vessel in which he gave me to experience this life.  How can I NOT be grateful for that.

1 comment:

Randi said...

Some of the sad, awful things I have seen come thru the hospital have really changed my life and thinking. I, too, have become truly grateful for my "healthy" body, and I feel ashamed for not taking as good of care of it as I should have been. As I see people with debilitating illnesses, obesity and the complicatios that go along with it, etc. I have come to realize my body will not be healhty forever and I need to take care of what I have now, so maybe down the road things won't be so bad, or at least I will know I didn't bring it on myself.