Monday, November 1, 2010

Day 1: So Far, So Good

I woke up early this morning to do the p90x stretch DVD.  It felt good.  I just wish I had uninterrupted time.  Between Hubs leaving for work, and Child #1 getting ready for school, it was a bust.  But I was determined to get in at least 30 minutes, and what I did felt good. 

Eating has been great.  According to Diet Power I'm only getting a F.  How in the heck am I going to get an A?  Veggies don't count for a high number, which I thought they would.  I guess there is a learning curve to the program and I'm willing to plug along to learn it.  It is good to sit down after every meal and log what I'm eating and how many calories.  Halloween Candy is still lurking around my house, and at Grandma's.  I could have so easily stuck my hand out and eaten 2,3 or 4 small candies.  But that habit is what has gotten me 10lbs heavier then I was in the beginning of the summer.  I simply stopped thinking about them and went on my merry way.  As for the candy in my own pantry, that's a different story.  I am going to have to take a new strategy to that.  I'm going to call up M and ask if she will hold onto my candy for me.  My kids don't need it, I don't need, not even the Hubs needs it.  She can keep it till Christmas when the stockings need to be stuffed!!  How does that sound for strategy?  Tell me it's good.

I didn't get to work out at 9am.  Sigh.  Hubs insisted I run a few errands before my regular routine of cleaning Grandma's house.  I am determined to get in at least 60 minutes of exercise.  That means instead of being gone for 30 minutes this afternoon, I'll be gone for 60 minutes.  I HAVE to get in 60 minutes.   For me and body type and genetics, exercise is crucial.  It does wonders to my front butt, and my mind.  This week looks to be a glorious Autumn event.  I'm thrilled with the forcasted Temps and hope to take full advantage. 

I made it on my job/walk this afternoon.  I went for 40 minutes. 

The thing that frustrates me the most is not getting an A on that stupid program.  I ate too much fat today thinking I was doing well.  I stayed within my calorie budget, but went over on fat.  I guess I need a lesson on good protiens that are low in fat.  HELP!!  I'll experiment with chicken and tilapia and see where that gets me.  UGH!!!

I'm not giving up.  It's only the first day.  It was a good day!! 

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