Sunday, January 2, 2011

Reflections of 2010

As I think back on my 2010 year, it started out insane.  Waking up at 4:45am, heading to the gym, working my brains out until 7am, coming home, and barely making it through the rest of my day.  I was tired, cranky, and let's face it, not capable of that schedule.  So I quit.  I quit a lot of things this year.  I gained 12lbs back, stopped running, stopped caring about what I ate, and hated that my pants began getting too small. 
Through all that I learned that there is more to life then losing weight.  I have been swallowed up in what the world thinks is acceptable, a washboard stomach, hips like a teenage boy, and boobs the size of Mount Olympus.  I have been asking for help in all the wrong areas of my life.  Losing weight is not what is most important in our earthly journey here.  I do believe that being healthy and treating our bodies with love and respect is important. 
The most valuable lesson I learned this year is that I need to gain a relationship with my Savior.  He is the one who will help me get through this maddening and chaotic life.  No amount of weight lost will bring me true happiness and joy.  Finding and trusting in the love that comes from the Savior will bring happiness and joy. 
This past month my focus has completely changed.  Yes, I still want to lose weight, but that is not my focus.  My focus is what I'm going to call, Connecting to the Vine.  And in connecting to the vine I will realize my true potential and value.

2010 didn't go as I quite planned it.  Does anything really? 

I am really looking forward to 2011. 

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