Tuesday, March 12, 2013

A quick Update

I got in one last work out with Melissa before my Disneyland trip.  I decided to weigh in just to track what goes on during my vacation, and pending trip to Virginia.  I was pleasantly surprised to see that I had lost another 1lb.  I was so thrilled to see the scale go down once again.  That means I've lost 12 pounds so far.  I ALMOST reached my goal of losing 15.  Which, let's be honest, that was a pretty lofty goal to begin with.  12 lbs is AWESOME!!!  I'm looking forward to losing another 12 pounds!! My long term goal, which is a year, is to lose another 34lbs.  That would get me to where I feel is a healthy weight and easy to maintain. 

Now, my goal from now until Mar. 27th is to not gain any weight.  Of course it would be awesome to lose something while still vacationing.  But I'm not going to expect that.  I just want to maintain and kick it into high gear when I get back. 

I'm not sure what I'm more excited about.  My trip to The Happiest Place on Earth, or my weight loss.  I think I am just over flowing with JOY!

My next small goal will be to try and lose 15 more lbs before our Stake's Trek.  That is 5lbs a month.  My medication runs out in the middle of April.  Which makes me a little scared, and to be honest a lot anxious.  I know that the main reason I'm having so much success is due to the meds suppressing my appetite.  I just need to call my Dr. and find out what the next step is once I run out.  

I know that eating tons of Fruits and Veggies is going to be key to my success.  I keep writing this, thinking this, talking about this so I can instill this into my soul.  And in the very near future, I will become a fruit and veggie eating machine. 

Here's to a long needed vacation with the Husband. 

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