Sunday, March 10, 2013

Excietment Continues

Yesterday I tried on some clothes that I haven't been able to wear in a long time.  They were just too tight and made me feel discouraged about myself.  To my pleasant surprise, a few of them I could fit into again.  I still have a long way to go.  But I can't express enough how relieved I am that I am beginning to see results.  To feel good about myself again.  To see muscle again in my legs, to watch my arms get thinner.  I know that I owe a lot of my success to my thyroid finally leveling out and to the phetramine.  But i don't care.  Like I've mentioned before, I'll take it.  Seeing results is so ding dang exciting and makes me want to work even harder.  And that is just what I have been doing.  I've been running on the treadmill, and working out hard with Melissa.  It is once again rewarding to work so hard.  I love it when the sweat drips into my eyes, down my neck and in between my boobs.  It's awesome and I know I am changing my body.  I use to hate looking in the mirror.  All I would do is focus on all the things that were wrong.  Now, it's not so bad.  Now I can see changes visibly too.  My excitement for this year continues to grow and grow and grow.  I get emotional when I think about what this year is going to bring for me.  It's going to be amazing. 

Well I worked my butt off to lose 15lbs before my trip to Disneyland with my husband.  I got close to that goal.  Now, my goal is to not gain any weight while I am away on my trips.  It's a good thing that Disneyland is a destination where you are on the move all the time.  I don't know what it's going to be like without the kids.  Then again, I'm married to the hardest working tourist.  That is how my Brother-in-law described Brent.  And that would be a perfect description.  

I do recognize that I need to re-double my efforts with food.  And that will be my top priority when I get back from Vacation.  I need to remember the guidance I've received from my loving Heavenly Father.  The word of wisdom is how I am going to continue to heal my body from the inside out.  how I am going to live a long healthy life.  I read an article in the Ensign today and a sentence stuck out to, it actually screamed to my soul: Obtaining anything of great worth often requires great sacrifice.  My health is of great worth to me.  Am I sacrificing enough to get where I need to be?  There is more I can and must do to make this a permanent change in my life!  And more now, then ever I am ready to make that sacrifice. 

Life is so good.  I still face challenges, but they are easier to face now that I have a positive attitude about being me, about being a mother and a wife. 

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