Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Watching Others

It is so hard to watch others succeed at what you can not. It's hard watching other Mom's who have just had babies look skinny again. It's hard to watch your life pass by waiting to attain something that might not be meant for you. So I no longer am going to watch, other people that is. I am going to watch myself, the good, the progress, and the disappointments. There will always be disappointment. Dang, I need to get that new pair of capris and soon.

1 comment:

Denise said...

It's amazing what some clothes that fit can do for your self esteem.

And frankly, it's too easy to look at other people and think that they have it good...usually they don't.

They may be skinny, but maybe they don't have your good marriage, or your sweet kids, or your happy life...maybe they would trade skinny for happy...

Be happy!!!!!!!!Skinny will come.