Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Walking it Out

Today I went on a lovely walk with Melissa. The sun was shinning brightly and I was able to wear my killer sunglasses. As Melissa and I talked I mentioned how her upcoming birth was quickly approaching. She wanted me to repeat it cause time seemed to slow down for her. I told her it wasn't and I didn't want her to have that baby anytime soon. The plan was for me to lose 20lbs while she gained 20lbs. That's not happening. She has just about 2 months left and there is no way in H E double hockey sticks that's going to happen. But it did re-affirm my desire to lose this wretched weight.

Birthdays are now over with. Sickness, for now, is over with. And vacation for the rest of the year is over with. I have no other obstacles blocking my path to weight loss. Except myself.

Tomorrow I'm chucking all the sweets that are preventing me from having good days. I'm going to purchase the makings of a great salad and begin in earnest to change my lifestyle.

My anniversary is coming up on April 12th. I would love to lose 10lbs by then. I think 7 is more realistic.

Once again here are my goals up until April 12th.

1. Lose 7 lbs.
3. Drink loads of water.
4. Continue to work out for 1-2 hours a day
5. Follow the Body for Life eating program to the T!!!
6. Gain control of my weekends!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now the trick is to keep my self motivated.

What do you do to keep motivated?

1 comment:

Randi said...

Hee, hee, I hang the UGLIEST, FATTEST picture I have of myself (not hard to find these days) on the fridge. Just looking at that stops me in my tracks from eating! Seriously! :) That and not wanting to be an old lady on BP meds keeps me motivated. Good luck! Btw, I saw you two out this afternoon, you both look fab!