Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Getting Geared

I can feel that tightening happening again within my being. That tightening that needs to take place to find success in any aspect in life. I've been unwound for long enough. I can feel the desire and the motivation starting to build and gain momentum. Is it really going to happen this time? I threw away the rest of the red vines after dinner tonight. I chucked the peanut m&m's on to the furthest, most highest, most difficult spot to get to in my laundry room. Now the only thing for me to do is to get the fixings for that amazing salad that I keep talking about. And to not purchase any more treats at the store. I'm finding that peppermint patties are my downfall right now. I feel as if they are low-in fat, and low enough in calories to sneak into my diet routine. But in reality, it's not okay. Maybe when I'm in my maintaining state. But I'm not in my maintaining state. Even then, I think the sweet, minty bite needs to be held for the weekends. Am I the only person that has a downfall? Food that tempts them to the point of collapse?

What is your downfall if you have one? What are you going to do to overcome it?

What am I going to do?

Make sure that I don't go to the store hungry? That's a good one. I think I'll arm myself with a bottle of water too. Make sure I always have one in my purse to drink instead of reach for that darn peppermint pattie!!


Emily A. Gunderson said...

I heart candy, it is ONE of my downfalls. I'm an all or nothing kind of gal, I have no self control to just have 1 candy this month I'm off candy. I've decided I'll binge on Easter, but until then nada.

Baked goods are another story. I have yet to have the will power for that challenge, but I see it in my future.

You're doing great, keep it up.

Randi said...

In-N-Out (good thing it is unreasonably far and I have a husband who won't bring it home to me because I told him not to-EVER!), baked goods, cheese (oh how I love my formaggio!), anything deep fried of course, but I have kicked that habit...again, back to the HBP and VLDLs! One step at a time:)