Friday, March 5, 2010

Of Vomit and Vacation

The month of February always throws me off! It's my birthday and I tend to indulge when it's my birthday. When that happens I have a hard time getting back on track. Then I have to struggle with 3 more birthdays and all the cake and ice cream associated with them. It's tough, to say the least.

On top of all of that I got a vicious stomach virus. Which in theory would help me to lose weight since I'm shooting liquid out my butt and mouth. Okay, that was a little crude, but the truth. When your sick you don't feel like eating leafy green veggies. So I opted for the higher caloric intake of simple crap foods. Did I mention that I suffer from emotional eating? Ya, I really do. The whole week I was feeling like crap, and eating crap I didn't make it to the gym. I gave a valiant effort on a Monday but the gurgling and churning in my stomach quickly sent me home and to the comfort of my bed.

Then comes the week before my period where I become bloated and my body holds on to all fluids and I end up gaining weight. At least I have my period to blame that on. I hate my bloated belly and those crappy feelings associated with the beautiful process called menstruation. At least I'm having a period and my i.u.d. hasn't failed me. This week I was back to the gym like a dedicated rat, every ding dang morning at 5am. If only I could get my eating to catch up to my exercising. I would be one lean, mean, sexy machine. ***SIGH***

It doesn't stop there. We are leaving for Vacation tomorrow. What's associated with road trips and vacation? That's right, junk food, and mindless eating. Oh the torture of it all to one who is trying to lose weight. I'm trying to have a good attitude and a brilliant strategy. No matter how hard I plan, and pump myself up I end up slipping and diving into the goodness of vacay food. Bless my struggling heart. And on top of that, I will be in full swing of my menstruation cycle, and what's associated with that? That's right, junk food and mindless eating. I see a pattern happening here! The twins would be so proud of me. ***SIGH***

I'm just going to let happen what happens. Gravity and Nature are pulling against me. I am going to give a valiant effort to eat right and make good and wise choices. Then, when I get home, I'm really going to bang my weight loss out. How many times do I need to tell myself that the strictness only has to happen for about 4 months. In 4 months I could have all my weight melted away and have a "normal" life. What ever "normal" is. ***SIGH***

See you in about a week.

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