Monday, January 2, 2017

Failure to Plan is a Plan to Fail

Well, its been a long while since I documented anything here.  Its been a rough year and a half since I last posted.  I'm finally in a place again where I am ready for change.  Not the kind of change that is fleeting, but change that is permanent.  I joined a few health challenges on facebook which have helped teach me a few principles to live by.  I wanted to start writing down my thoughts, my struggles, my goals, and yes maybe even some successes.

Since it is the second day of 2017 I thought I'd take the time to list all the principles I would like to implement in my life.  Also taking the time to document my goals.  I have one big goal for 2017 which I will break down into 3 month or 90 day short term goals.  Each month I am going to focus on one weakness to overcome, or habit to change and one whole grain to experiment cooking with.

Principle #1:  Make a Food Plan
A food plan is my food commandments.  Things that I promise myself that I will always do and never do when it comes to food.  I will be faithful to my food commandments like I'm faithful to my husband.  Making a food plan helps sets clear boundaries when it comes to making daily choices. I can review and revise my food plan at anytime.  If I am not faithful to my food plan, I will not look back and simply resume following it the very next meal.

My Nevers
1. I will Never eat anything off of my dirty foods list:
Shakes/Ice Cream
French Fries
White Anything(bread, tortillas, rice, pasta)

2. I will Never eat after 8pm

3. I will Never purchase anything from the dirty foods list while I'm shopping at the store

4.  I will Never buy sodas from the gas station

5. I will Never turn to food for comfort.

My Always
1. I will always eat just 3 times a day

2. I will always drink 2 cups of water before each meal

3. I will always eat a salad with either lunch or dinner

4. I will wake up early in the morning for personal study and exercise

5. I will always end my day in prayer thanking my Heavenly Father for his blessings

My Unconditionals
1. I can eat as many vegetables, fruits and whole grains as I want

2. I can drink as much water as I want, infused or with crystal light

My conditionals
1. Only on Sundays can I have a dirty dessert
2. When at a social function I can have 3 bites of any one thing
3. Only on my birthday can I have dessert.  There are too many other birthdays to eat a full plate.
4. Only on my birthday can I eat out and eat whatever I want, ONE TIME!

Principle #2: Meal Plan & Prep for the Week
I love the quote, Failure to plan is a plan to fail.  I am learning that success in weight loss or changing your life in any way takes planning.  And planning takes time.  But the time you put into planning is the key to success.  This year I am going to figure out a good schedule to sit down to make my plan for the week, purchase the food, and prep the food.   I've always planned my meals for the week.  That helps me with my grocery shopping and sticking to a budget.  But incorporating food prep is tricky.  I've never been good at that, but that too is planning for the week ahead which is one step closer to success.  Right now my thinking is this:
Thursday- Meal Plan
Friday-Purchase the Food
Saturday- Food Prep

Principle #3:  Keep a Food and Pig Squeal Journal
In my food journal I will make daily commitments.  I'm finding that if I daily commit to what I'm going to eat and try to predict what the pig is going to squeal I am far more successful.  This is another form of planning.  This is also helping with focused discipline rather then sheer will power.  There is a difference and this principle will help with that.  I will then at the end of the day record how I did, my thoughts towards the pig's squeal, how I found comfort somewhere other then with food.  This will also help me to keep my pig caged.

Principle #4: Rising Early and going to Bed early
I use to get up before my kids when they were in elementary school and even Jr. High.  But as the kids got older it was harder to wake up and have that time to myself.  After this last health challenge I realized that time in the morning was to precious to be giving up. Now I get up at 5:15 to do personal scripture study and yoga.  It has been a game changer for me!  I have noticed that I am happier towards others, I have more energy during the day, and life is just better.  Plus Heavenly Father confirmed to me several years ago at Education Week that this is a Celestial Principle. One that we will have to live by in the Celestial Kingdom.  Why not practice it right now.

Principle #5: Service
I need to be serving more in all areas of my life.  I need to be serving my family more.  I need to be serving more in my calling as Secretary in the YW's and as a Visiting Teacher.  I also need to be serving more in the Temple.  All this service will help to take focus off of me and put focus on my Savior.  My Savior is the one who will grant me the strength to overcome my weakness towards emotional eating.  Without Him I am nothing, with Him all things are possible.

My Why's
In all the challenges I have come across in 2016 they have you list your Why's.  Why do you want to change your life?  Why do you want to lose weight?  Why do you want a healthier life?  Here are my Why's:
I want to be able to serve a mission with my Husband in the future.  I don't want to be held back by        physical limitations or my weight.
I want to be happy living in my own skin.
I want the freedom to be able to do anything, go anywhere, be who I want to be in my body
I want freedom from emotional eating.  I'm tired of food making me feel like crap.  I'm tired of food
   making me sick, slow, and sluggish.
I want to eat in such a way that it heals me.  I want what I eat to give me energy, give me confidence,    help me battle depression, help me find my ideal body weight.
I want new, healthy habits to dictate my life.

One Big Goal for 2017
Lose 50lbs by December 1

90 day Goal for January to March
In 90 days I will lose 15lbs
In 90 days I will not drink soda

30 Day Goal for January
For the Month of January I will Lose 5lbs
For the Month of January I will practice cooking with Quinoa
For the Month of January I will replace soda with water, infused water and crystal light
For the Month of January I will find replacements for my trigger foods

Here's to an amazing 2017!!

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