Sunday, February 14, 2010


Yesterday morning at the gym I overheard a conversation between two men. The one, who was the bigger of the two, was complaining how he wasn't losing weight. Then he told the other dude how he's more interested in the inches, but when he looks down at his gut that's when he feel overweight. HA! Even men have the same thoughts as women do! I find that so interesting. I feel the same way dude, when I look down at my gut I feel, for lack of a better word, fat. I giggled to myself as I walked away.

Despite my "horrible" week last week I still managed to lose 1lb. I think that is just insane. But I'm grateful that I am having success. I decided that I need to do a better job at writing down my feelings with a pen on paper. There is something so therapudic about that. I am also recording my long term goals, and my short term goals(my week to week goals).

My long term goal:
In 15 weeks I will lose 18lbs
In 15 weeks I will be a size 12
In 15 weeks I will have a healthy lifestyle that includes lots of veggies

My short term goal for this week:
Write everyday in my journal
Count calories
Drink at least 4 quart size mugs of water
Do not buy peppermint paddies when I go to the store. (just a small confession there.)

I've heard over and over that you must write your goals down if you want to attain them. Losing weight is a huge goal for me that I want to achieve. I am going to stick to my weekly goals this week. I need to be down more this week. I am more determined then ever to be successful.


Coupon Person said...

Can I just tell you that these are my same goals? 18lbs to lose, sz 12, don't buy Milky Way candy bars at the store, healthy me, are doing a WAY better job than I am. Keep it up you're setting a good example for me.

Darcy said...

Amberlynn I think that you are amazing!

Sal-my-gal said...

Congrats on your loss! That's exciting. I gained last week. Superbowl and Valentine goodies. I was not good. I want to be a size 12 too! But I want to loose 40 lbs.