Sunday, February 7, 2010

Friday Pants update week 4 & 5

I know I haven't been diligent in writing. I have been diligent in my journey to lose 20lbs. That 3rd week was such a rough week for me. But I didn't let it get me down. I did end up losing 1lb in my 4th week which didn't really have much effect on me. This last Thursday I stepped on the wii fit board and found out that I lost 2.2lbs. Holy Crap that was exciting!! And just the motivation I needed to keep on the path. Motivation is such a powerful thing. It really helped me this Friday and Saturday to do so much better with my eating. I realized that what I was doing was finally working and I didn't want to screw it all up. Plus, when I put on my Friday pants, they fit a little better. I took pictures of me again and compared them to the first week and there are definate changes going on. What encouragment.

I am surviving my birthday week. I haven't gone out of control. It's been easy to eat less and make better choices. Which is what I want to do permanently.

I hope for another good week with at least another pound down!!!


Jessica said...

Good for you! Keep it up, you Hot Mama! :)

Sal-my-gal said...

Good for you! I totally blew it this weekend at the Super Bowl party. I'm not expecting good news tomorrow. Congrats on your 3 lbs.