Saturday, March 29, 2008

A New Lifestyle

Well, I'm gearing myself up to start my new Lifestyle on Monday. I'm not going to call it dieting because I truly want to change how I eat and incorporate food into my life. I hope I can be successful at this. I am so into cooking that you'd think that I would be able to incorporate my passion into a healthy habit. I'm sure there is amazing food out there that is not only healthy, but taste good too.
I am first going to start exercising. I'm crossing my fingers today that Brent gets my tire for the double-jogger. I am thrilled to get out and start walking again. The weather should cooperate for me. I am also planning on going over to Melissa's and Tuesdays and Thursdays for weight lifting and other workouts. I am so ready to get rid of my back fat, and muffin top. The working out part isn't the hard part for me. I LOVE to EXERCISE!!!! The hard part is going to be the food. I really need to start understanding why I put things in my mouth. Like yesterday, I had secretly hid a small bag of candy and pulled it out when i was alone. I wasn't hungry by any means. But I wanted the chocolate. And to be honest, it didn't really taste that great. So why did I do it? Did I do it because I know I am going to deny myself of that this coming Monday? Should I really be denying myself of sweets? I have only failed at that attempt in the past. Wouldn't it be alright to have a small piece of chocolate after lunch and dinner? Moderation in all things right? Or do I take it completely out of my life for the next couple of month? That approach screams FAILURE to me. I don't want to be a failure once again. I don't want to beat myself up over this any longer.
I'll just be going it alone until April 3rd. April 3rd I have an appointment with a weightloss clinic. I am super excited to be going. It is a little expensive, but my life is worth it!!! Understanding food more and how it works with my body is so worth the cost. I am DONE beating myself up over and abusing food. I am ready to take charge.


Denise said...

I think understand WHY we eat is the ket to so much.

I know that for me, sometimes, food just makes me feel better.

It isn't hunger, or even the food itself, it's just trying to fill that hole with something else.

I have tried to diet again and again and I have had a lot of failture.

And the only real success that I had did not come from a diet, or even a lifestyle change.

It came from a change in my religious life. When I started to read my scriptures EVERY day and as I started to read conference talks that focsed on my divine nature and my eternal purpose here on earth...only as I started to believe in who I was as a person and in who I am going to be in the eternities...was I able to lose any weight.

I think you are on the right track. And I think that these other things will help.

But I think until you start to understand who you are as a daughter of God, and EXACTLY how much Heavenly Father loves you...until you do change you make can be permanent.

Because, ultimately, I think that we use food as a substitute for love...and until we love ourselves...we will continue to unconsciously sabotage our efforts to be healthier and happier.

I hope you can feel the sincereity of my words and the deep testimony I have gained of this principle.

It doesn't mean that there won't be the occassion set back. It doesn't mean that life is somehow perfect.

But it does mean than in the Gospel is the answer to ALL of life's mysteries, including how to lose weight...

You go Amberlyn. I KNOW you can do it.

Denise said...

I hope I wasn't being too presumptuous...I was speaking for myself...and maybe what I said doesn't apply to you...but it was from the heart nonetheless.

I'm rooting for you!

Giggie said...

I've got the perfect solution to help you with your back fat and muffin top problem while you continue to exercise. It is new shapewear product I recently saw on a TV news program and immediately purchased one... the Unbelievabra by Shapeez ( It smooths, shapes and supports like no other shapewear... and believe me, I've tried them all including Spankx and Sassybax. The Unbelievabra is so comfortable you'll want to wear it all the time. (I do!) It comes in 2 styles the Ultimate (long) and the Mini (cropped). I purchased just the Ultimate in nude to eliminate my muffin top. This is truly a wonderful product. I feel sexy and look 10 lbs thinner. Wow!!! Finally, someone got it right! Yea for us!!! Giggie