Tuesday, March 25, 2008

So it Begins

There are many beginnings in Life. For me, I have began to lose weight countless numbers of times. Most of the time with extreme disappointment and failure. Only once in my life was I successful at losing weight and that was after the birth of my second child. Recently given birth to my 6th child I am going to begin again on the journey of weight loss. Although I don't want to call it weight loss. What I really want to do is begin to change my life style. The way I think about food, and how it's incorporated into my life.
I have a Love/Hate relationship with food. I LoVe to eat food, I love to cook food. But I hate how food makes me feel when I eat too much of it, or when food controls me. I am tired of the battle. I am tired of being fat, frumpy, and frazzled all the time. I am ready to begin a new me. And I would love to have help along the way. I know I am not the only one who struggles with this very problem. Some of you may struggle more then me, some less. But wouldn't it be nice to have someplace to go, to confess our deepest darkest fears about food. Express how we feel, and in the end, losing some of our rear ends? That is what I am hoping this blog will do. I need an outlet where I can vent, and receive help along the way. So join me, in beginning again.


Denise said...

I'm with you!

Jessica said...

I think this is a great idea. I too have a love/hate relationship with food and need an entire lifestyle overhaul and not just a diet. I need to get my eating in control before I stop nursing!

Amberlyn said...

Jessica, you have had it so EASY because of nursing. I am so envious of you. And mostly because the nursing gig hasn't worked like that for me. But I still love nursing. You have time to ease yourself into a lifestyle that will work post-nursing. you looked great before Asher and Soren, and I'm sure you will be able to maintain.