Friday, September 11, 2009

Fit as a Fiddle

I was thinking about my new approach to eating and living. And the phrase "Fit as a Fiddle" popped into my head. I started wondering what it really means to be fit. A friend of mine keeps telling me that I look good, I look fit. What does that mean. When I think of a fiddle I think of perfectly tuned strings, pulled tight over the shiny perfectly crafted wood. When it is played the notes are fast and sure. But some fiddles are worn with use and love. A little nick here, a little nick there. But even through the wear and tear the music that is brought forth is still beautiful. I have nicks here and there (love handles here, thunder thighs there). I have been worn with use and love (bringing forth 6 babies, struggling to get my former body back). Even through all of that I am still the same person on the inside. Yes I have changed, which I need to. But I am still the basic, fundamental person that I started out on this Earthly Journey.

I want to be fit. I want to bounce around with ease and lightness. I want to be able to play with my kids, to keep up with them. I want to be able to do the things that come with the demand of having 6 children, a husband, and a home. I can't do those things if I'm not fit and healthy.

No wonder Satan tries so hard to entice me with food and all it's pleasures. He doesn't have a body, so he doesn't want me to use my body, to care for my children and husband and home. He wants to tear me down. Well, I'm fighting against him. I will no longer allow him to have such a tight grasp on me. I eat to live not live to eat.

1 comment:

The Hamblin's said...

I think that for some of us this weight thing will always be a struggle though we do have control over ourselves. I've been 5 weeks on a program now and 15 lbs lost. It sure does feel good. Let's keep it up and boy won't we look good!!