Friday, September 18, 2009

Health being second nature

As I continue to ponder my new approach to life and all things fit and healthy, I wondered what it would really be like to be truly healthy. Health to me is how I treat my body with food. I am on the right path, but it is a struggle every day. It's work. I want to get to the point where eating right is second nature. I find it's still difficult to break years and years and years of bad eating habits. IT'S A FIGHT!!!! Sometimes it's a good fight, and other times, not so good. I want to get to the point where all I have in my house is good wholesome delicious food. I want to look at cakes, cookies and candy as repulsive. Because they are, they are the enemy. But why does the enemy have to taste so darn good. I think that's where the balance part comes in. Everything in moderation.

In an effort to make my life more healthy I am going to start featuring a salad a week. Over and over I've been told that salads are so good for you. Well, raise your hand if you get sick and tired of salad? I do!!! But I know how much fun and exciting salads can be too. So I hope to inspire myself to incorporate salads into my everyday life, thrusting me into that second nature health.


Liz said...

For me, wanting to think cookies, cakes, desserts, etc. are repulsive is not in the realm of possibility right now. I would settle for being able to take it or leave it. Keep up the fight!

Sal-my-gal said...

This is me raising my hand while thinking of the leftover birthday cake I succumbed to yesterday. When does the battle get easier?