Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Did you know that Try is a swear word?

Neither did I until today. Melissa asked me if I could do a certain number of reps and I said that I would try. It was then that she informed me that Try is a swear word. When you say Try you are allowing for failure, and she doesn't allow for failure. So I told her that yes, I could do that many. As I thought about how I feel when I say that I will try, my shoulder sag slightly, and my head bows just a little bit. You know you want to do what ever it is that you've been asked to do, but Melissa's right. When we say Try, we are not putting our all into it. I stood a little taller, told myself I was going to do 13 of those blessed squats, and ended up doing 20. There is power in positive words and thinking. Afterwards I felt like vomiting, and I'm not kidding. I had to sit down and literally breath my way through my stomach convulsions.

I didn't throw-up, in fact I am just fine. I actually feel great. My legs are a little jello-ee. But hey, no pain, no gain right. I even woke up this morning at 6am and did the entire Tae-Bo work-out. Ya for me. Working out this hard makes me want to eat right. If I'd just get my eating under control the fat would just be melting off. So get with it, and just say "No thanks, I quit red vines, oreos, ect.", and lose the weight.

I'm not going to Try and eat well today. I Am going to eat well today.

Protien shake w/ banana and 1 tablespoon peanut butter

oatmeal with peaches, pecans, milk and 3 tsp of brown sugar

huge salad

protein bar, chocolate of course
1 peach

lame mac n cheese(that's what a busy soccer season will do to a girl. actually I just got caught up decorating my house for fall and fell behind)
1 peach

1 peach

Do you think that over did the peaches? Better then over doing the oreos!!!

things I said "No" to today:
Oreos, cupcake that Beckham didn't want to eat

things I didn't say "No" to:

50 minutes of tae-bo

60 minutes of a**-kicking by Melissa.

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