Friday, August 7, 2009

4 little words...

This evening I was watching the movie, She's just not that into you. There was a scene in the movie where one of the dudes offers another dude a cigarette and he simply says, "No Thanks, I quit." What a wonderful phrase. Couldn't this phrase be used for just about any addiction we have in our lives. "No Thanks, I quit drinking Diet Coke." "No Thanks, I quit eating cookie dough." "No Thanks, I quit snacking." Four simple words, yet there is such strength and power in them. You don't have to explain yourself, it's already done. You aren't acting rude. And just saying those 4 little words gives you the courage to stick to what you've promised yourself you were going to do.

It's sounds good in theory, right? Now I just have to make the decision to stop drinking diet coke, stop mindless snacking, stop making cookie dough in the middle of the week and all my problems will be solved.

"No thanks, I quit."

1 comment:

Darcy said...

You look so good in your picture! You are an inspiration to me. You have motivated me to try harder.