Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Changing my life Today

I love it when the Biggest Loser is on. It's such an inspiring show. Last night they were in Washington D.C. I have been there several times to visit my sister. It was exhilarating to watch the contestants compete in places I have been. It made me long to see my sister and visit that amazing city again. Well, I get to see my sister in 3 short weeks. I am thrilled beyond measure.

I digress

During the work-out session that Jillian and Bob did with those average American's Bob said something that was very powerful to me. He said(something to this effect)" Today you are doing something to change your life." That's what it's all about. Taking it one day at a time. Doing your best in just one day. And those days will begin to stack up and soon you'll realize that you've had a month of "good days". Days that have changed your life, moved in the direction towards the person you want so badly to become. A day where you ventured to eat a new vegetable. A day where you decided to push yourself a little harder on the treadmill or on your walk. A day where you decided you were going to run, instead of just walk. Every day we can do something to change our life. What am I going to do today to change my life? Try a new salad recipe and share it with the rest of you.

In my mind a key to my success is learning to love and enjoy salads. There are a million different varieties out there and I want to start incorporating them into my every day life. If we are what we eat, then I want to become a salad.

1/4 cup oatmeal with brown sugar(135)
2 slices turkey bacon(140)

cottage cheese and mandarine oranges(250)

2 sopes (500)

stinking tootsie rolls(200) Thank heaven's these things are gone!! The rest of the Halloween Candy is going in the Trash!!!!

stuffed bell pepper with white beans and rice
a delicious salad with a orange vinaigrette(recipe to the left)

1 comment:

Sal-my-gal said...

I have to say I have a love-hate relationship with "Biggest Looser". I love it, but I get tired of them whining about loosing only 3-4 lbs. in a week. P-sha!