Monday, November 9, 2009

Punching the Bag

This past Saturday I actually got myself out of bed, only because I couldn't sleep anymore, and went to the gym. I was a little disappointed when the few women in there started to pull out the punching bags. I just wanted to get in some good Tae-bo. I was pleasantly surprised by how much I loved hitting those bags. It was invigorating. It was empowering. It was theraputic. It was just what I needed. I had had a pretty rough week emotionally and it was awesome to take my frustration out on a bag. I could feel all the tention in body release with the hits and kicks to that simple yet complex bag. I was sad to find out that next Saturday will be the last class for that specific instructor. This is her last week. I am sad. No more tae-bo and 7am Saturday classes. Bummer. I guess I'll just have to expand my horizon and find other classes to enjoy.

I didn't get up this morning. Mondays are very hard for me to get out of bed. I am spent from the weekend. My body is trying to recover from the crap that I ate all weekend long. I use those as excuses to stay in bed. I find Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays very easy to get out of bed. Sometimes Fridays. I need to work on Mondays.

I was expressing my frustration to Melissa about not having much success with runing and weight loss. Setting those 5k goals over the summer was suppose to get me to lose weight. Then she told me it has to happen at both ends. The eating and the exercise. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it.

It is what it is though.

I reminded my children this evening at FHE that we were given the word of wisdom for many reasons. And one of them was a guide line of foods we should and should not be eating. Fruits and Veggies being at the top of the list. I need to do better, still. It's just like everything else in life, it has to be a priority. Right now, it's not. And it needs to be. I'll start praying once again to learn to love and prepare veggies and salads. I have to. I have years and years of bad habits to overcome and I can't do this by myself. I keep telling myself this cause I constantly need to be reminded.

I just need to step up and get it done. No more justifying, no more complaining, no more excuses.

I need to punch a bag everyday.

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