Friday, November 6, 2009

Staying within the bounds

Since being more faithful in attending the Temple, something popped out to me that was very powerful. I was reminded that appetites and passions should be kept within the bounds the Lord has set. Yup, that's right. My eating is more then just a struggle, I made a covenant to control my appetite. Am I fullfilling that covenant I made? Not really. But because it's a covenant I know that if I work hard to obey it, the Lord will help me. It's amazing to me how weight, our bodies and our spirits are so intimately connected. Usually when we feel good about life, and feel good spiritually we treat ourselves with more love i.e. eating well, exercise. But when we feel opposite, we treat ourselves the way satan would have us treat our bodies, like their expendable and worthless. Which we are not. It's so important to me that I connect my spirituality with my mortality. That I work on controling my appetite because that's what I promised to do. I no longer want to be breaking a promise that I made with a Loving Heavenly Father. We make those promises so we can be happy and find joy. I know that if I can learn to control my appetite I will find joy. Who doesn't want joy and happiness in their lives?

eggs and turkey bacon
2 slices bran bread

none which made me light headed and weak

3/4 of a Jay dog; this is NOT on the prescribed eating plan. But when you haven't eaten in 5 hrs logical thinking goes out the window and you what you can get your hands on.
frozen yogurt with fresh strawberries and granola


slice of pizza

all the crap I consumed today:
2 smarties, 2 salt water taffy, twix bar, handful of junior mints, handful of chocolate chips.

Boy, that's a whole lot of confessing isn't it? I still have such a long ways to go before I'm controlling my appetite. I wonder how long my control will be stronger then my sweet tooth?

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