Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Killer Holidays

Last week was an amazing week for me. I did really well during the days and didn't eat after dinner. I thought it was a monumental success. It's amazing to me how the smallest of Holidays, like Mother's Day, can kill it for me. Why is it that Holidays ruin all my motivation. I felt like I was back in the swing of things. And then I went to Sundance for lunch. I never go there so why not indulge. And besides, it was for Mother's Day. Saturdays are usually hard for me, but I actually practiced some restraint. And then Sunday came with it's huge symphany bar from church, dinner and dessert at my Mom's and a second dessert at the in-laws! WHAT THE HECK!! I thought I could stop on Monday. But the in-laws gave me these irristable white chocolate covered craisins. Ya, they were gone in a day. Since I munched on sweets all day I couldn't help myself and delved into a bag of chocolate chips. WHAT THE HECK!!!

I'm so mad at myself. What am I doing? This is NOT how I want my life to be lived. Yes, I think that holidays should be celebrated and I think it's okay to do it with food. But WHAT THE HECK!! Why can't I stop eating after just dessert. What is it in that process that clicks something in my brain to begin eating like that?

It must stop.

I'm going to start documenting my days again. So my 100 days begins again. CRAP!! Hopefully it begins with today.

2 banana muffins
1/2 cup shake

The rest of the day was a crap shot. I forget how maddening it is to help with Dance recitals. Dinner always gets blown off and I'm running here, there, everywhere. It's no fun. So my day was crap. I'm hoping for a better more organized day tomorrow.


Darcy said...

It is one of the hardest battles I have to fight every day. We are doing a biggest loser at work over the summer so hopefully that will help me to get some poundage off! My problem is always keeping it off.

Jessica said...

Ugh, the sweets are so hard to resist! Being in Utah a few weeks ago, I was subject to all sorts of goodies that I usually don't make. I wish I had refrained, but I didn't. Like you, I said, "It's a celebration!" Oh well, tomorrow is a new day, right?