Wednesday, October 12, 2011


I was introduced to a book over the weekend that I am super excited about.  I hate the title, but I love the philosophy.  The title of the book is "I can make you thin."  Blah.  But don't judge a book by it's cover, or it's title for that matter.  He talks about 4 golden rules.  He goes into the depth about each of them but to sum it up the golden rules are:  1. Eat when you are hungry, 2. Eat what you want(what your body wants), 3. Enjoy what you are eating(savor it without distraction), and 4. Stop eating when you are full, or when you think your full.  Sounds too simple to be true, right?  Everything about these 4 golden rules sounds right.  When we were babies we were masters at this.  We screamed when we were hungry, we ate exactly what we wanted and if you've ever watched a baby begin to nurse, their eyes roll to the back of their heads.  I think they know how to savor what they eat and they STOP eating when they are full.  This continues on well into their toddler years.  At what point this stops, I'm not sure.  Babies are nurtured, and they listen to what their bodies are telling me.  We, as adults need to remember to do the same.  LISTEN, I mean really listen to what your body is telling you it wants.  I've done this for just a few short days, and I have noticed a shift in how I already think about food.  I am thrilled to be following something that doesn't tell me what I can and can not eat.
There is a lot more to the book.  I will let you know how things progress.  I am really excited about the prospects and outcome from just listening to my body cues.   It's so simple, it might just work.

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