Tuesday, October 4, 2011

No Pain, No Gain

So, the burning question is how did I do yesterday?  Well, no sacrifice was given.  I did end up throwing away the ice cream in my freezer, but not until after I saved the mint chocolate chip.  I couldn't let my fav. flavor go to waste.  When I left the house yesterday I left super hungry and without eating anything.  Not smart, for anyone to do.  So I ended up eating a 7 layer burrito from Taco Bell, and purchasing a York Peppermint Patty from Shopko.  Again, no good.  At dinner I was going to indulge in my roasted butternut squash and beets.  But decided against it since I didn't have a "perfect" day.  Again I just ate what I fixed for dinner which was cheddar broccoli soup, heavy on the broccoli light on the cheddar.  Then it was time for dessert after FHE.  I thought I didn't want it, but I ended up taking a chocolate chip cookie and dolloping a scoop of vanilla ice cream on top of it. I guess not ALL the ice cream got thrown away.  I felt no pains of sacrifice yesterday.  As I look at what I ate, no wonder I feel heavy, slow, and zapped of energy.  Things must change if I want to be a runner and a hiker!

I do have some pain today though.  I did follow through with my desire to work out every day rotating between weights and cardio.  Yesterday I did the Biggest Loser work out and I am sore sore sore today.  Painful really.  But it's a good pain.  Can pain be good?  Yes, it can be.  The soreness in my muscles is a testament of my hard work yesterday.  Even though I felt no emotional or spiritual pain yesterday, at least I gained something.  

With sacrifice comes pain.  Pain from growth and sacrifice is  something I do desire.  I know I am on the right path to becoming the person I so much desire to be.  I am grateful to be writing my journey here.  It helps me keep track of all things good and bad.  Monitoring wither or not sacrifice was made and pain felt. 

I know no one desires to feel pain.  But there is some pain which is good and helps us to grow.  I know I will feel pain as I get my sore muscles moving during my planned "run" today.  I hope to build upon that pain by sacrificing crappy foods which make me feel heavy and slow.  No more of that I say.  Bring on the light and energized!!

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