Friday, August 20, 2010

Ability to Change

Yesterday 3 of the 4 classes that I attended at Education Week were on the Atonement. I'm sure that this didn't happen just because of me. But it sure makes me grateful for a loving Heavenly Father who is aware of each of us and knows just when to give answers to prayers. I'm overwhelmed with a sense of gratitude the for the knowledge that I have gained about the Atonement. I knew it just wasn't for sinners. It's for all of us who are struggling with anything in our lives. From a wayward child to a destructive relationship with food.

I've come to realize that the Atonement is more grand and powerful then my puny little brain can comprehend. I do know that the power is there for me to use. But lately I've wondered "How do I tap into that vast power?" I got an answer to that yesterday during Brad Wilcox class. The first step is Faith and Repentance give us the desire to change. Covenants and the Holy Ghost give us the ability to change. Enduring to the end helps us recognize the change in us. That's what it's all about, change. I want to change my relationship with food, I want to change how I feel about myself. The Atonement can do that for me.

About a month ago I felt like I was grasping at air. I didn't know what direction to go or where to begin. Now, I know, I need to understand my covenants better cause that's where the change comes from. Along with prayer, fasting and scripture study I hope to find change within myself. A permanent change. I realize that it's going to be a long tedious journey of discovery. But one that I have been thirsting for.

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