Sunday, August 22, 2010

Love = Change

Recently I've been reading this book titled, Women Food and God. So far I haven't been too impressed with it. Until I came upon this quote that struck such a strong chord with me,

"When you love something you wish it goodness; when you hate something, you wish to annihilate it. Change happens not by hatred but by love. Change happens when you understand what you want to change so deeply that there is no reason to do anything but act in your own best interest. When you inhabit your body from the inside, any other option except taking care of it is unthinkable."

That quote speaks volumes and volumes to me. I'm in the middle of wanting to change. When I think of this quote in aspect to the atonement; The Atonement is Love. The love that I feel from my Redeemer is how I'm going to accomplish this change.

I learned something else at Education Week that I'd never thought of before. I always thought that Savior and Redeemer were synonomous with each other. That they basically meant the same thing. Which is not true. They are different, but Jesus is both. A Savior is someone who saves us from our sins. A Redeemer is someone who changes us. I am in need of changing. To change myself I need to begin to see myself as the Lord does. Through eyes of someone who loves me for who I am and all that intales.

I have noticed a small change in myself. Especially over the weekend. As most of you who follow this know that I struggle to no end with weekend eating. Saturday I found I ate when I was hungry and chose good food. That is huge.

I am ready for change.

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