Thursday, January 26, 2012

An Awakening

As I thought of all the wonderful things that happened this past year I realized that I was able to experience them all because of my good health.  Or healthy enough.  Towards the end of last year, as I posted here, I suffered from gallbladder problems and found myself in the hospital.  Aside from the 3 "normal" and 2 c-section births of my children, I had never once stepped foot in a hospital.  I considered myself a fairly healthy person.  Sure I have my vices and things that I struggle with on a daily basis.  I never thought that those things would ever threaten my health.  My eyes were opened wide to truth about how I was treating myself.  A few Sundays ago I began to suffer from some severe pain in my lower, right back just above my hip bone.  I found myself writhing on the bed.  I didn't want to go to the hospital again but we had no choice.  Due to my accelerated heart rate, the morphine they gave me quickly traveled my bloodstream soothing the agonizing pain.  The pain was so severe that before they could give me my i.v. I threw up.  I've NEVER thrown up cuz of pain.  To make a long story short, they diagnosed me with kidney stones.  But they found no stones when they gave me an ultrasound or a cat scan.  After about 3 hours I was discharged and sent home.  The morphine made me whoozie.  I slurred my words and maybe said some things that were inappropriate.  Like telling the ultra-sound tech that my pain hurt like a MO-FO.  He laughed so hard he had to gain composure before continuing.  The tech also informed me that I have an IUD.  NO?  Really?  I'm so glad you told me!  So that's what's been keeping me preggers free.  Phew!

I wish I could tell you that I haven't been to the hospital since.  Even though it's only been a week.  But the very next day, Monday I was back in the hospital for the same pain.  But test came back normal.  No kidney stones.  The doctor told me my situation was "perplexing" .  He told me I probably just pulled a muscle and sent me home with a prescription for a muscle relaxer.

So now what?  Well, I guess my bad habits are causing my health to fail me.  I know my case isn't as severe as others.  But it was a huge wake up call to me to really start taking better care of myself.  I was cursed with the Edward's sweet tooth.  I love me some candy.  But I must bid ado to the wretched stuff since it's only causing me pain and anguish.  I will miss it, don't get me wrong.  And I know it will be a struggle, I'm not blind to that fact either. I'm not even sure it's the cause of my suffering.  But I want to live a long healthy life filled with hiking, running, keeping up with my kids, playing and serving my grandkids, taking trips with my Husband and being able to keep up with him.   Life is to short to live it in a sluggish, numbed blur.

I am going to do something a little weird, maybe even crazy. But I want my life back.  I am ready to do anything.  So, after watching this documentary on netflix called Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead I am going to "reboot" my body by drinking only green drinks for 10 days.  Yup, you heard me right.  10 days of only drinking fruits and veggies.  By doing this I will be de-toxifying my body of all the crap that I have taken into it.  I will begin to help replenish my cells and change the palate of my tongue.  I am tired of being fat and sick.  I don't think I'm nearly dead, and I would like to avoid that.  And don't try to tell me I'm not fat.  I don't say that wicked word around my children.  But a fact is a fact.  And being fat is effecting my health and how I want to live my life. 

I know it's going to be a hard challenge.  But I am ready to challenge myself to make some serious changes.

And in all honesty, getting old sucks.  I know I'm not that old.  But old enough to feel the effects of aging.  Gray hairs which I hide now by dying my hair. Wrinkles, is there really a cure for those?  Crazy hormones that make me go crazy and want to eat my offspring.  Aching muscles & bones, I hear them crack when I get out of bed in the morning, when I shift on the couch, and they scream at me if I've sat down too long on the floor. Like I said, getting old sucks.

I am excited to document my journey.  I have high hopes and high expectations.  

1 comment:

Jessica said...

You are brave and ready to make this change. I'm excited to support you and learn about your experiences as you do this.