Friday, January 27, 2012

The Plan

Why Green Smoothies? 

Well, it's the quickest and most delicious way to get in more then the recommended servings of fruits and veggies.  Plus fruits and vegetables are phytonutrient foods.  They bring to your body the energy from the sun, plus vitamins and minerals and help to keep your cells clean and healthy.  Something I think I've been missing for a really really long time.  Once your body gets the proper nutrition it's craving, your bodies cravings begin to change.  Or so I've read.  Your desire for artificial junk seems to diminish.  Your desire and cravings for more nutritious foods goes up, and your desire to exercise goes up prolly cuz you have more energy.  Who doesn't want more energy? 

The Plan:

For the first 4 days of every month I am going to drink nothing but green smoothies.  If I get hungry between breakfast and lunch, I am going to eat a piece of fruit.  If I get hungry between lunch and dinner then I am going to snack on some kind of vegetable like carrots or sugar snap peas or celery.  After 4 days I am going to down to just 2 smoothies a day and have a big green salad for dinner, plus some kind of whole grain salad on the side.  After another 4 days I will go down to just one smoothie in the morning.  For lunch have some kind of whole grain with a lean protien, and for dinner another big salad with a whole grain salad on the side. 

My thinking behind all of this:

In every logical, healthy weight loss program they say you need to eat whole grains, fruits and vegetables.  You need to do this to maintain the weight loss as well.  In addition to that I feel like this is following the Lord's Law of Health (Word of Wisdom).  I am also hoping and praying that this plan will heal my body from the inside - out.  That I will once and for all be able to kick that cursed Edward's sweet tooth.  I am also hoping that this will help me to lose weight allowing me to feel lighter and make it easier for me to run and hike and get all my chores done during the day and still have energy at night to be with my kids and husband.

I also want this to be a catalyst for a permanent change in my lifestyle.  I can no longer be stuck where I am at.  Change takes hard work, self discipline and most important a positive attitude.  I know what hard work feels and looks like.  Self - discipline, I haven't had much of that or really know how to practice it.  But I am ready to learn how.  Positive Attitude, it depends on the situation.  In the past few years my attitude has been lacking.  I am ready to change that as well.  You are what you think. 

Most of all, I just want to find the path that will help me be a happier person.  Physically, spiritually and mentally.  I believe strongly that the plan I have set before myself will help me reach these goals as well.

1 comment:

The Path Traveled said...

Green Smoothies...hmmm, I don't eat very many green Veggies so I don't think I could try them. I hope you do well. Your reasons behind the change is what impressed me. That's how we should all feel. Great post!