Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Day One Done

Well, I survived my first day of my green smoothy fast.  And to be completely honest, it wasn't hard.  Despite the not so pleasant texture of some of the smoothies I ate, I wasn't hungry at all.  I did have 2 kernals of popcorn, and a bite of pasta just to make sure it was done, and then another one to make sure the sauce was good.  And BOY WAS IT GOOD!!!  But I had no problem watching everyone else eat theirs.  I made whole fruit juice for everyone and I did enjoy some of that.  Usually 3pm is so hard for me.  My sweet tooth begins to roar like a lion and I eat 1,2 and sometimes 3 cookies(like I did yesterday, no wonder I'm over weight).  Instead of opening the pantry, I opened the front door and went on a 45 minute walk and it was great.  I came home to madness and had to dive right back into being a mother and fixing dinner.  When I sat down to the dinner table my husband asked me "what the heck is that?"  The kids informed him I was on a green smoothy fast. 

I had to run into K-mart today to grab a few things.  I didn't look twice at the valentine's candy.  It was a little bit harder to stand in the check aisle when the one side is lined with all sorts of candy.  My favorite, and the one I usually grabbed for most often, York Peppermint paddy, was on sale.  On a normal day, I would have grabbed one, maybe two.  Ate one on the ride home, and saved the other one for the next day.  As I looked at that candy I was a little angry at those packages.  I really do think they have addictive attributes.  Because I had a little anger in my heart I turned and patiently waited for my turn to check out.  Even though some of that candy was calling my name, I ignored their pleas to pick them up, open them and snarf them on the way home.  Another reason why I am over weight.  That experience was a clear sign to me, that I am ready to change.  It almost makes me a little emotional. 

I realized that today is just one good day.  But I have to just focus on one day at a time.  And that one day will add up with the next and so on and so forth until I have a good 20 days behind me. 

I am grateful for this opportunity I have to cleanse my palate, de-tox my body and really start living the life I was meant to live.  I feel good.  I'm not hungry, a little thirsty.  I think I still need to wash down the kale and spinach smoothy I had for dinner.  Today was a very good day.  I hope tomorrow is more of the same. 

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