Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Day One: Don't judge a smoothy by it's looks!

This morning I made a smoothy for my friend who over the weekend battle a kidney stone.  It started out looking beautiful.  It had a banana, grapefruit, orange, lime, ginger, strawberries and raspberries in it.  Then I added the spinach.  After doing that the drink looked just like brown runny diarrhea.  I changed far too many diapers that looked like that drink.  I felt awful handing her the cup.  It wasn't appetizing at all, but at least it tasted good.  A little tart, but good. 

I wanted to stay away from that.  So instead, I made myself a smoothy out of the ingredients you see below; Oranges, carrots ad ginger. 

This is what everything looked like before I added it to the blender.  
So pretty, and cheery and bright looking!!

I cut off the rind of the oranges.
I washed, and didn't peel the carrots.
Peeled and chopped the ginger.
I also added flax see oil for essential fatty oils. 

And voila, this is what it looked like all blended up.
So pretty, right?  Not brown like poo!  But bright, like the sun!!

After tasting it the first time, I decided that I needed to add the sweetner.  
That helped a little bit.  
The taste wasn't bad, it was the TEXTURE that killed me.  
I would have rather chugged the poo brown smoothy then this one. 
I think next time I'm going to have to add a frozen banana to help with the consistency.
I think it took me a good 30 minutes to get through it.  

My daughter insisted on taking a photo of me drinking my first "green" smoothy. 
YIKES, hurry turn your eyes, I look terrible.
The only reason I posted this photo is to remind myself why I am doing this project to begin with.  
I can handle a not so pleasant "green" smoothy to help kick all the bad habits and foods that got me looking like I do, right now.  The great thing about this smoothy is that it's only 265 calories.  All fruits and veggie baby, that's awesome!!

I made sure that lunch was a better smoothy.  No veggies, just fruits.  I have to admit, that it was much more pleasant to drink.  I didn't get a photo of it.  Right now, I'm not super hungry.  I'm sipping away at my lunch time smoothy and typing and telling myself I can do this for 4 days.   I just keep thinking, if this is how carrots are going to taste in a smoothy, how is kale, and cabbage, and cucumbers going to fair?  I'll let you know.  But it's only for 4 days.  I told myself I was ready to do anything to get my health back.   I have all that fresh produce to get through too!  Some of it might be easy, and some of it I might just have to use a lot of mind over matter.

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