Monday, January 30, 2012

A Rainbow of Fruit and Vegetable Flavors

Alright, so I went a little over board. I just couldn't help myself!!  I'm just so super excited about starting this green smoothie project that I bought so many fruits and vegetables.  But they sure look pretty, right?  Besides, I have six kids, I'm sure there's something on that table that is appealing to them.  Just now, as I glanced down at all those colors in my photo, I realized how beautiful that food is compared to a plate filled with greasy, artery clogging sauces and fried foods.  Not that I ate a lot of those.  But just thinking about all those things makes my stomach turn.  Boy, when did that happen? 

Tomorrow is the day.  Tomorrow I begin the journey of green smoothies, whole grains, fruits and vegetables.  I am finally in a place where changing my lifestyle seems like the right and good thing to do.  And when that feeling comes, it's an easy decision.  Not only am I doing this for me, but for my children.  I want to leave a legacy of good health for my children.  I want them to see how important it is to take care of our bodies.  To eat right and to exercise are so important for a happy healthy life. 

It's been 2 weeks since I've had any sort of candy.  And it's been 5 weeks since my last soda.  My friend asked me if I'd lost any weight since making those changes in my life.  I told her no.  I haven't stepped on the scale, but my clothes feel just the same.  But you know, I FEEL better.  I have more energy and my body naturally gets up in the morning now at 5:30am.  Sheesh.  I guess I better do something productive with that.  Even though I haven't seen a difference in my body size, I know I am making some serious changes on the inside.  Beginning this green smoothy gig is only going to perpetuate that. 

Life is good.

Life is exciting!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Look at that mother load! Mango! Ginger! Bananas! Spinach! What an exciting and beautiful adventure. What is going into your first smoothie?