Thursday, January 26, 2012

The goals are:

Since I'm not going to focus on the numbers, my goal is to focus on other milestones.  At first I was going to have my goal be a smaller size pair of jeans.  Even though that is a good goal, I needed to make one that is even closer to attaining.  I have a picture of 4 pants representing 4 different goals, and each a size smaller then the last, that I would love to reach and that I am going to reach. 

The pants in front are pants that I could comfortably wear just 8 months ago but are now too snug for comfort.  They are my first goal.  The second pair of pants are not really pants put walking shorts.  I love them and a few years ago could comfortably wear them as well.  They are my second goal.  The third pair of pants are pants that I've never fit into before, but would love to.  I was using them as a gauge of my weight loss about 2 years ago.  I almost fit into them and then what I was doing got to difficult and my life kind of fell apart.  They are my third goal.  The last pair of pant, the khaki ones, are actually a pair of capris that I could fit into right before I got preggers with the twins.  This pair of pants is my ultimate and most desirable goal.  I remember what it was like to buy them, to fit into them, and how I felt when I could wear them.  And I'm not talking about an external way that I felt, I'm talking about how I felt physically.  It was awesome and I know I will get there.  My ultimate goal I hope happens before the end of this year. 

When my ultimate goal is met I have a few rewards waiting for me.  First, I have always wanted a pixy hair cut.  Love them!  I have always felt like I've been to heavy to have said hair style.  My second reward and probably the most important to me, is to be able to wear my wedding ring again.  In addition to my wedding ring I will be purchasing a second ring to go between my first and second knuckle just above my wedding ring.  I don't know why I've always wanted to do this, but I have.  I want a ring as a reminder of all the hard work that I know will take me to get to that point. 

When I've started "diets" before I was always dreading them.  Hating Monday to start because I knew it was going to be a struggle.  But not this time people.  I have never been so excited to do something for myself EVER!!  Before I was focused on me still being fat and not being able to reach my goals.  Because I was so worried and focused on those thoughts I always stayed fat, or gained my weight back.  Not this time people.  Now I see a person who is thin, has thin arms, thin legs, thin fingers and a thin face.  I see a person that loves to run and is good at it.  I see someone who loves to hike and does it often with her children.  I see someone who loves fruits and vegetables and prefers them to anything else.  I see someone who is a choice Daughter of God and is loved by Him and who finally realizes and understands what it means to take care of a sacred blessing, the body.  

Change is coming. I can feel it coming from the depth of my soul, from my core, and it's exciting. 

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