Friday, May 23, 2008

I continue to Pound

It was my goal this week to not miss a day of exercise. I worked out twice with my friend Melissa and thanks to her I am sore all over. It's a great feeling. Monday and Wednesday I took Beckham and Grace out in the double jogger. I'm trying so hard to not letting my excuse a a busy mother get in the way of my work outs.
I am still struggling with the food part of my lifestyle change. I keep reminding myself that these bad habits weren't formed over night and they aren't going to be resolved over night. I am taking small steps everyday to improve my life. I am still doing so much better then I was doing right after Grace was born. Some how I manage to keep having set back after set back, and it's frustrating. I realize that I'm not going to be perfect at this losing weight thing. One positive thing is that I haven't gained anything back. From my meesley 6 lbs. UGH.
Even though Mandy isn't posting she continues to lose weight. I am so envious of her. I feel as if my worst fear has been confirmed. Even spending x amount of money each month I still can't manage to lose weight. I feel as if I am doomed to be at this weight for the rest of my life.
I know the people around me love me for who I am. That is comforting. But it's not enough for me.
This week I am setting a goal to lose 2 lbs. I will exercise at least 5 days this week. And instead of following Absolute, I am going to go back to Body for Life. That is something that I know I can stick to for the rest of my life. And you get a free day where you can eat what ever the heck you want. Which will be GREAT for me.
I'm trying not to let my disappointment get me down, but it's hard. I was hoping that by getting my priorities straight, I would feel better. I do somewhat. I guess I will continue to pound the pavement of life. Pound out my bad thoughts, pound away my bad feelings and pound away the pounds.


Denise said...

I think you are on the right road and that you are making progress.

I also think that you have done a good job of putting your priorities in order.

I think that being on a diet that you can live with will help a lot...and that while progress is slow it is still progress.

Keep going. I know it's hard, but moving forward will always feel better than moving back!

Amy said...

I agree with Denise.... I also think that you have to let go of comparisons.

Do what you want with your life- if you want to blog and catch up your house later... than do it. If you want to eat what you want- do it. The most important thing is that your healthy. And not just physically- but mentally and spritually as well.

I think that all 3 are tied together (as we've talked about before). We have to give ourselves permission to be ourselves and take accountability for our choices in all aspects of life. We are the one who get to decide.