Monday, July 6, 2009

Runner's Wave

This morning when I went for my jog I passed several other joggers. I love how cordial other runners are. Always waving or saying "Good Morning", "Hello" and such. There is a type of comradery amongst runners that is endearing. Another endearing quality about runners is there ability to encourage. I know several people who run marathons and every time I talk to them about running and the meazley miles that I run they are always so excited for me and encourage me to keep going. I love that.

I signed up today for the Speedy Spaniard. This is a 10k. Yikes!!! With much encouragement from Melissa, Amy and Brent I will be running 6 miles on July 24th!!! Well, I wont run the entire time, but I will do my best. Whoa, what was I thinking.


Emily A. Gunderson said...

You will do great! This is another one of my favorite races. It is an accomplishment and you can do it!

Jessica said...

I wish I could run with you! I'm glad you had the support and encouragement that led you to sign up for this race!

Liz said...

Hurray! I was going to ask you if you wanted to do it with me- we must have been using the same brain. Do you plan on running it with someone?

Kelli said...

Whoooooo! Way to go Amberlyn! We are so excited for you . Maybe we will have to come and cheer you on. Let us know the time of the race.

You can totally do it. You are so inspiring to me and to lots of other people. Keep up the great work.