Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Oh, this better work

I made it to the gym again this morning. I was there for total of 1 hour and 45 minutes. I ran/walked on the treadmill and then went to the Turbo Kick class. It was a good morning. But my exercise wasn't over with yet. At 9am I went to Melissa's and we tore our arms and back up. Cause you know, you have to tear those muscles down to build them back up again. I am beginning to feel my back and my arms. I keep thinking to myself, this had better work gosh darn it!!! If I don't lose weight working out almost 3 hours a day, just shoot me now.

I know that nutrition is definitely key, and I'm working, working, working on that. A day that I don't indulge in white anything, chocolate, cookies (including dough), or chips is a good, good day. And I've had two great days. There is still a ton of room for improvement. But I know what I have to do. Cut the crap, and eat the fresh.

I also realize that I need to continue to record what I eat. So I will do start doing that tomorrow. It truly helps to keep me in check.

1 comment:

Darcy said...

I am so impressed that you have lost that much weight. You look great! I lost about nine pounds before christmas but I am sure I have put that back on through out the holidays. Yuck! It is always a frustrating struggle for me.