Sunday, January 17, 2010

So Tempting

I'm finding it hard not to step on the scale. I've noticed that my gut has gone down just a tad, but enough for me to notice a difference. I feel like I've lost weight, but I can't really confirm that since I'm not stepping on any scales. It's probably a good thing that my current scale needs new batteries. And it's too much work to pull out my wii fit board and go through that process. I guess I could do that if I become desperate. Then I run the risk of becoming discouraged. The instructor for my turbo-kick class encouraged us not to step on the scale for the first month, almost 2. She told us that it takes almost 2 months before we start seeing results. My problem is that I'm not a new comer to working out. I've been working out this whole last year. I wasn't working out as intensely as I've started to this year. I hope I have that going for me.

It's the nutrition that continues to head my progress. I'm trying to indulge as much as I can on Sunday's without sabotaging myself. I know having a free day will help me to be good during the whole week. I find that I struggle starting Friday nights. I need to find the strength to say no and keep strong. It's just so freaking hard. It shouldn't be hard if I am really serious about losing weight. But losing weight is hard and this is a challenge for me.

I need to continue to pray for strength and ways to overcome my years and years of bad habits.

It's going to happen. This weight is going to come off in 4 months. NO MATTER WHAT!!!

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