Friday, January 8, 2010

Say Hello to my Friday pants, week 1

I decided that when I started this journey again that I wasn't going to weigh in for the first month. I can't deal with the agony that is associated with stepping on the scale and seeing a not so good number! So instead, I'm using Friday pants to gauge my progress for the first month. I will use them for the duration of this journey, but they'll be my scale for the first month. I took photos of myself this morning and planned to post them here. But I just couldn't bring myself to do it. There was a whole lot of muffin top, fat back, and bedonk-i-donk going. I reveal a lot of myself in this blog, I just can't reveal that much. Besides, anyone who reads this, and saw the photos, would feel the urge to vomit and never return again.

It was very motivational for me to take the photos non-the-less. I saw where I needed to improve and had a great desire to fit in those damn pants. It made me want to eat super healthy and work out twice as hard. How I can work out harder then I am? I don't think it's possible. Okay, it is cause they do it on the biggest loser.

One week down and just 15 more to go. That is just crazy to think about. It was a good week overall. I loved all the exercise and know that I need to do some tweaking with my eating. I'm ready to get my oven burning hot hot hot and melt this fat away.


Randi said...

Good luck! And girl, you should borrow my nutrition textbook sometime. One week into that class/reading the text made me look at food in a whole new light! It has really scared me into trying to be better. Before I was like, "ok, I'll eat that cheeseburger and be fine as long as I stay within my calories" now, realizing that a lot of the food we (Americans) and I consume, regardless of staying within our range calorically and exercising, is KILLING us. It's pretty amazing. Anyway, it's ok to indulge everynow and then, but yeah, I'll never eat another french fry again withough thinking about what it's doing to my insides!

Jessica said...

I'm so proud of you for doing this! It's amazing how blogging can make you feel accountable. I'm behind you every step of your way! You are a great motivator for me! Hope to see pics of you in your Friday jeans sans muffin top soon!