Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Reality of it All

I stepped on the scale at the gym yesterday morning and this morning. Reality punched me in the face with a 3lb weight gain!!! I'm not losing a 1lb a week I'm freaking gaining a 1lb a week. This is just not fair. I have been working my tail end off going to the gym every single morning for the past 3 weeks, only missing once, sweating like I've never sweat before and I'm on the verge of tears for the second day in a row. This just doesn't seem fair to me. I've been careful with what I've been eating and it just doesn't seem to matter one bit.

Discouragement is quickly setting in. How am I suppose to work any harder then I already am? I've stopped drinking diet coke, I've cut out sweets during the day, I've increased my fruits and veggies and downing loads of water, getting up at 4:45am and working out until 7am at the gym. What am I doing wrong?

I really want to just stop. What use is all this work? Nothing apparently. My whole goal is to lose weight, in all reality. I know I'm suppose to be getting healthier as well. But if weight loss isn't a result of healthier choices, what's the use.

This really sucks and I don't know how to keep going.


Liz said...

Hey- this has happened to me before. And I have an explanation for it. 2 days ago you did a really hard lower body weight session right? It was something new your body wasn't used to ( a higher weight right?). Well, your muscles are torn up and a little swollen (for lack of a better word). They are rebuilding and are increasing their store of glycogen (?), which binds with water molecules. It is extra water- I promise! I am sorry if this isn't coherent but anytime you do a hard workout your body isn't used to, your muscles will hold onto extra water for a few days. Drink lots of water, try to work out the stiffness with some moderate cardio and this too shall pass. I think you are doing great! You are pushing yourself to a whole new level.

Sal-my-gal said...

That is so frustrating! I feel for ya'. Keep plugging along. How's your sodium intake? High sodium also equals water retention. I'm cheering for ya'!

Randi said...

YOu are exercising a lot and I am sure that's not in vain. YOu are prob gaining muscle, muscle weighs more than fat. It's true! Stay positive! I am sure this is what is happening. Put the scale away! :)

Emily A. Gunderson said...

You are doing an amazing thing. Keep up the healthy lifestyle. You are a great example to me.

Amberlyn said...

Thank you all for your support and kind words. It helps to have your encouragment. It truly lifts me up and gets me through my day and to realize I can keep going despite my setbacks. I'm sure there will be more of them.

Jessica said...

Please tell me you are measuring yourself. Please, please, please... This past week I gained 1/2#, but I lost 1/4" from my hips and a 1/4" from my thighs.

On my blog last week Ang quoted Elder Robbins as saying (I'm paraphrasing) Success is staying motivated even when you have difficulties.

Also, I'm going to email you an e-book I downloaded that is great. It's called Slimming With Pete. You can find out more about him & what he does at &

Keep going, I promise it will be worth it in the end! :)