Monday, February 13, 2012

Can't help it, hungry all the time

I wish I could say that I had an outstanding weekend.  But I didn't.  In fact, it was not a good weekend at all.  I slipped back into an old habit and bought some candy while at the store on Saturday.  I even had some red vines while I watched a movie.  I passed on cake and ice cream on Sunday, which was a good thing.  I ate a sugar cookie today.  And you know what, I feel like crap.  Not emotionally, cuz I made the conscious decision to eat all those item.  I mean, I feel like crap physically.  Candy and sugar are poison to my body. 

I am having a moment of self pity, and self doubt.  I was doing so good for so many weeks.  I had several moments of weakness.  But I need to pick myself up and keep going.  Brush off the dust from my fall and move forward with more determination then ever.  I will be relieved when Birthdays are over and Valentine's too. 

I know that I am an addict, and it's so hard to go into pretty much any store and be tempted by my choice of drug.  It truly is a battle every single day of my life. 

Tomorrow is going to be better.  I have to get this gunk out of my system.  I was feeling fantastic for a short little while.  I want that feeling back.  I want it back.  What price am I willing to pay to get it back?  Sacrifice my desire for candy and sugar.  No matter how much I think my mind wants it, my body does not.  My body is trying to tell that to me right now. 

My goals for this week:
1. To not eat any candy or sugar.  Except for the chocolate covered strawberries I have planned to serve my family tomorrow.
2. I must eat more veggies and fruits at every meal.  
3. Make scripture study a priority.
4. Make sure to exercise 4-5 times again this week.  
5. Celebrate small accomplishments.  And not with food. 

I will wear those clothes in my closet again.  I'm not going to let my choice of drug get in the way! 

What is your choice of drug?  If you have one, what do you do to keep it out of your life?

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