Thursday, February 9, 2012

Increased Exercise = Increased Hunger

I have exercised for 3 days this week.  I have 2 more to go until I reach my goal this week.  The past two mornings I've been doing a work out titled Turbo Fire.  And let me tell you, I've been sweating A LOT.  This morning was border line disgusting.  But it felt good to be that sweaty.  I know that I am burning fat and calories and that is just awesome!!  There is a slight down fall to so much intense exercise, increased hunger.  I am so hungry all the time.  My body must be burning through my energy food.  I have faced this before and have never really known how to defeat the problem.  I think I will just welcome hunger as my friend.  It's alerting me to the fact that I am working hard, right?  Or I guess I could feed my body and apple, orange or something like that.  I could also drink more water.  Which I have been doing.  3pm is close at hand and this is the hardest time for me to defeat this raging hunger.  I better do something to combat it.  I think I'll go make a relish tray for my kids as their after school snack.  I can eat all the veggies I want.  Good idea.  Brilliant.  Let's go with that. 

I struggled looking in the mirror this morning.  I so desire to see change that it's disappointing when I don't.  Right now I guess change is going to be small.  And those small changes are slowly going to add up to something big and rewarding.  How can someone who hasn't eaten candy or soda and not much sweets not lose any weight?  Maybe my body is trying to heal it's self first before it starts to lose anything.  Your right, it hasn't even been 2 weeks yet.  I need to continually tell myself that permanent change takes time.  I need to allow myself time.  But gosh darn-nit, I want it NOW!!!!  Haven't you ever wanted something so badly and you wanted it right then and there?  Unfortunately my want isn't something that can happen with the wave of a magic wand, although that would be nice.  Anyone know where I can get a hold of a Harry Potter wand? 

I guess I'll just have to keep working and working hard.  So far it's still quiet easy.  Easy because I am determined.  I guess it's easy in a difficult way.  That probably doesn't even make any sense. 

Last night I made some delicious chicken that I breaded in home made whole wheat biscuits.  I was watching diners, drive-ins and dives and this women breaded EVERYTHING in her old stale biscuits.  I thought to myself, I have biscuits sitting in the pantry that I know no one is going to eat, cuz they prefer the white ones.  My family tends to lean towards all things white.  I let them sit out all day on the counter, getting good and dry.  Then I ground them up in the food processor.  I then did the typical dredging technique, cooked them in a little bit of coconut oil(no it did not change the taste of the chicken).  I think that is by far a more healthier version of Parmesan chicken, and the kids and husband gobbled it up.   I ate mine with a side of roasted butternut squash and sauted green beans.  I made smashed potatoes for everyone else.  Of course I had to taste the potatoes to make sure they were eatable.  And they were.  I made sure of it with a few more bites.  For some reason smashed potatoes never tasted so good!! 

After my work out the instructor said something that I loved.  She told the audience that you have to celebrate all the small accomplishments, like finishing a hard work out.  I am still trying to focus on my small accomplishments, and little miracles.  Like I keep saying, those small things will finally add up to something big and profound. 

I just hope I have enough patience to watch it happen.

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