Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Mom, how much do you weigh?

This evening while brushing their teeth my children hopped on the scale. They were thrilled to share with each other how much they weighed. "Mom, I weigh 54lbs, how much do you weigh?" My response, for this evening since I am one grouchy mama, was, " too much. I don't want to talk about poundage right now."
I am happy to confess that I am back on the exercise wagon. I worked out twice yesterday and twice again today. I am trying to not let obstacles get in my way of exercising. So I work out around my children. I push Grace in the stroller when I go running and sometimes all my kids come with me. Yesterday ended in a few melt downs due to their inability to keep up with me. Thank goodness Hannah slowed down to walk with Isabel. I don't think they will be coming with me again. Working out is important to me, so I make an effort to fit it into my day.
Now if I could just take that same attitude and apply it to my eating. I am trying harder. I did buy some veggies today. I know how important it is to have those in my diet everyday. But that is another thing. Eating healthy can be expensive. That is where being frugal takes a front seat. I only buy produce that is on sale and try to come up with a menu accordingly. It's a challenge. But one that I welcome.

bacon and eggs on toast


ham sandwich
trail mix

protein bar

chicken and broccoli

1 comment:

Arika A. said...

Amerlyn! go to 2000cal.com its a free food tracker and its awesome! You log your food intake and it calculates the calories, fat, protein, and all that stuff