Friday, April 3, 2009

Next Big Challenge

In just a few days I will be taking a trip to VA. This trip is going to be my next big Challenge. Am I truly ready to battle for my weight? Am I ready to stay true to myself, to say no, to stay on the path to keep my journey going at full speed? I decided that before I leave I have to think of situations that I might possibly be in and decide now what I am going to do. I have to be strong now, decide now so when those hard choices come I will know exactly what it is that I am going to do. I know that I need to be armed with good snacks. Always have an apple, bag of carrots or a protein bar with me. I need to study the menu at a restaurant to make a good healthy choice. I want to enjoy myself while on vacay, but I don't want to sabotage my hard work either. Again, it's all about balance, everything in moderation.

This vacation is the triggor that got me on the path to weight loss. When I opened my gift, my flight plans one thought popped into my mind, "I need to lose 40lbs." Well, I haven't lost 40lbs, but I have lost 20. I have been doing this for 10 weeks now which means I've been losing weight at a rate of 2lbs a week. That is exactly what I wanted. Big pat on the back for me. And I do feel great. If I can stick to this journey for 10 weeks, I can stick to it for another 10-20 more weeks.

Yesterday I tried on more capris. Ones that have been sitting in my closet for a good 3 years. I was able to fit into all of them. How stinking exciting is that? So stinking exciting. But it's not good enough either. Right now, this weight, is the lightest I've been since living in Spanish Fork. But I'm not done. This weight is not good enough for me. I know I can lose more, I know that I am better then this. And I know that I deserve to treat myself better then I have been. I want to be here for the adventure of life. I want to be able to do activities with my children and keep up with them, not be on the sidelines just watching. Life was not intended to be watched, but to be lived. I am ready to live my life instead of watching it pass me by.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Sis, you did great. You looked beautiful and you were beautiful. I miss you DOH DOH much!