Monday, April 27, 2009

Title Change

I decided to change the title of my blog to My Fight to be Fit. My emphasis has changed. I am now fighting for my health. Fighting to overcome my addiction to food. Fighting my negative thoughts. Fighting to become the person that I long to be. This weight loss battle is no cake walk. Everyday I am faced with challenges and choices. And every day I have to fight to make the right choice. I have to fight my bad habits. Fight those inner urges to just do it, it's only one time. But those one times add up and I begin to fail. I didn't set out on this journey to fail. I set out on the journey to succeed. And succeed I will. And I will have to FIGHT for my success.
At this point in my journey I am on a mental battle field. I am mentally fighting myself. Telling myself that this battle is worth it. That what I am doing is going to make a difference. I will always have back pain, so what am I going to do the next time my back pain flairs up? Like it did this past weekend. When I don't feel good I turn to food to comfort me. I think I always knew this, but set it aside because I didn't want to own up to that truth. Ever since I was in Elementary and Junior High school I turned to food to comfort me. My Mom was a very busy person, working 3 jobs, trying to help support our family. When I came home from school, there was no one there to talk to about my day. So I turned to food. I drowned my feelings in the way food may me feel. I still to this day, do that. Which is something else that I am going to have to battle. I'm tired of turning to food for comfort. There has to be a better way. Finding another outlet is hard though. I want to turn to my husband, but a lot of the time he wants to fix my problem, when all I want him to do is just to listen. Maybe that's my starting point. Before turning to Brent, warn him that all I want him to do is to listen. Another outlet that I haven't used to it's full potential is prayer. Ultimately, the only person that can truly help me is my Heavenly Father. Turning to Him for help, guidance, and understanding. He can help me fight this good fight. He can help me overcome my addiction to food, He can help me make the right choices, He can help me win this weight loss battle.

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