Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Packing on the LB's

Jessica here. Amberlyn inspires me. She works diligently to eat wisely and exercise faithfully. She is changing her life and I feel mine changing because of her example. Since I stopped pumping I have had to figure out how to maintain this new weight of mine. The first month I maintained my weight but after two weeks of visitors I stepped on the scale and was sad to discover that I had gained 3-4 lbs. Yuck. I like my weight and I like the ways my clothes fit so I am determined to figure out how to maintain.

I am a sugar addict. I blame sugar for my weight gain. So, it seems simple enough that if I eliminate sugar and eat wisely then I'll maintain. Pursuant to my sister's example, I am going to avoid sugar six days a week and have one indulgant day. I am two days into the no sugar, no treats week and phenomenally, it has been easy. I am surrounded by treats at work but I haven't been tempted. I have been snacking on grapes and melon and have been super satisfied.

Amberlyn, I commit to changing my life as you change yours. Thanks for the inspiration.

1 comment:

Amberlyn said...

I am so excited that you posted!!! I am so flattered that you find me inspiring. Which in fact I find that you inspire me. I was so impressed with your natural eating choices while visiting with you.

I know that you will have success in maintaining your weight. We are both addicts and having one day to indulge is a great and marvelous thing.

I'm here for you Sis. You can do it!!!