Tuesday, May 26, 2009


I decided it was time for me to step on the scale again. Again, it's that love hate relationship. As I stepped on I saw that I had gained .5lbs but was still under the 180's. Now I am fighting to keep myself below the 180's. I don't want to see those retched numbers blinkred at me ever again. Something sparked in me as I stepped off. I have that tightening in my chest that screams " you have the power and determination to keep going." And I do.

I also realized how exercise is key to my success. When I was losing weight I was exercising twice a day. I was a maniac when it came to exercise. I had to get in cardio once every day and an extra 3x a week. That is just how my body is. It's a good thing I enjoy exercise. So now I have to go back to being the maniac. I MUST exercise twice a day.

1/2 cup oatmeal (180)
3 slices bacon(100)

5 almonds

4 inch sensuous sandwich
bite of cookie (gosh dang it)
two bites frozen yogurt(gosh dang it again)

At least I didn't have eat half of the cookie. And it least I didn't eat the whole portion of fro-yo. I did exhibit some sort of restraint. Thumbs up for that.

Now I am going to go out into the yard and start taking it back. Start moving dirt, start making my yard look pretty and not so white trash.

Chocolate Protein Shake

1/2 slice pizza, it was small
1 cup pasta salad
5 french fries

Can you tell I had a super busy night? I pretty much played chauffer between 3 ball games. Didn't have time to put my healthy ball cap on. I'm glad I didn't indulge in an entire piece of pizza. Yikes.

Although today was not, by any means, a perfect day, I felt good about it. I worked hard in the yard. I worked out with Melissa. Working in the yard kept my mind off of so many things. It helped me focus on what is good in my life right now. It helped me make good eating choices. I love being active.

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