Sunday, May 31, 2009

Free Meal

Yesterday while at the store I came across a small magazine from the Biggest Loser. It was titled, 7-day Jump Start. I thought to myself, I need a jump start so why not? One thing that I struggle with is choosing meals throughout the day. If someone were to tell me exactly what to eat and when I would be so good to go. Well, this little mag does that. It has a menu plan for 7 days. But I am going to stretch it out to 7 weeks. I know, this sounds odd. But it would be so much easier for me to stick to one breakfast, lunch, and snacks for a week rather then buying completely different meals for seven days, which isn't always budget friendly. So instead of a menu for a week, I have menus for 7 weeks. Does that make sense? Then it also includes a work-out plan for every single day. I don't struggle in the exercise department. Now that Brent is home, my mind is eased and I can get back to my jogging routine.

While I was at the store, again, I discovered a vegan version of chorizo. Chorizo is a latin style sausage. It was pretty inexpensive coming in at just a buck fiddy. That's a $1.50. When I go shopping next I am going to pick some of that up and try experimenting with that.

I had a conversation with Melissa shortly after she came back from her awesome training course in Vegas. She really drilled into me the importance of feeding our children whole wheat items. Right now while they are young, their bodies can handle the white high calorie foods. But what happens to them when they get older and their bodies begin to change? They will struggle just like I do. I really am doing my children a disservice by not teaching them how to eat healthy now. While I was buying up our food items for the weekend I reached for all whole grain breads and even english muffins. Sure the kids might complain at first, what kids don't complain. Feeding my children a slice of white bread is the same as feeding them like a tablespoon of sugar. A nutritionist once said to a group of us, " The whiter the bread, the quicker your dead." I really don't want my children to struggle with the same things that I do. That is one of the reasons why I refuse to go to work. I need to be there for my children. So they can turn to me for help, and not to food. Now I refuse to feed my children white processed garbage. If it's not good for me, it's not good for them.

As far as my eating today, it was pretty good. I stuck to my guns before church, ate wisely and held back a lot. Then hunger got the best of me after church. I snacked right after church and wasn't too hunger when dinner was finally ready. I dished up on a small 6 inch plate forcing my servings to be smaller. I think is another great strategy. One that I am going to start using every day.

english muffin, egg, 2 slices bacon

lean pocket

chips/ salsa
sugar cookie
few licorice

1/2 cup instant potatoes
1oz roast beef
1/4 cup steamed carrots
1 slice sourdough bread

mountain dew cake


Liz said...

Amberlyn- I have the Biggest Loser 30-day Jump Start book- you wanna borrow it for awhile? I think it will be easier to stretch out for 7 weeks than the one you got at the grocery store (which I bought a few months back myself ...)
You are doing so well with your food choices! You seem like you are really planning for things and making adjustments when you need to. Keep it up!

Jessica said...

I'm sensitive. Are my kids going to be ruined because I work? I think it is a good idea to train our children to eat well as young and as early as possible.

Randi said...

I especially agree with feeding kids the same healthy things we feed ourselves. I'm a huge advocate of home-cooked, sitting around the table, healthy, meals. Dave and I are both trying to lose weight and eat healthier because our bodies just can't handle fried, overprocessed, foods; caffeine, etc. anymore. So we have cut out fast food, soda, etc and we've trickled that down to the kids, too. They complain sometimes, but in the long run it will be so much better for them. Yeah, we'll take them for a Happy meal every now and then, but not as often as we used to, and they will appreciate it more; it will be more like a treat, which I think it's important to teach them that it's ok to eat something "fun" once in awhile, cuz that's just the reality of the world we live in, but only in moderation. Btw, we made the jump to all whole wheat (pasta, breads, cereals) a year ago and noone really even noticed the difefrence. Good luck! I want to get myself a copy of this book, where did you find it?